Single Cells
Suzhou, China
December 8-12, 2014
Abstract Deadline extended to: October 19th, 2014
Organized by:
Nancy Allbritton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
James Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, USA
Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Harvard University, USA
We are pleased to announce the 1st Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Single Cells which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday December 8, and will conclude after lunch on December 12, 2014.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in single cells research. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.
Since the first description of a cell by Robert Hooke, the study of single cells has evolved from morphological analysis through functional analysis to biochemical. Each of these levels of phenotyping provide insight into cells and their role in organismal physiology. The proper study of single cells requires experimental and theoretical approaches that quantify the "parts" of a cell and how they "integrate" into the viable single cell entity. Presenters at this meeting use state of the art approaches for examining all aspects of single cell biology and will discuss how these insights inform our understanding of cellular function. Discussion will be facilitated and encouraged.
Major Topics:
1. Transcriptomics
2. Genomics
3. Proteomics
4. Microfluidics Approaches
5. Imaging Modalities
Keynote Speakers:
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of MedicineUSA
Abstract title:Following Single mRNAs from Birth to Death in Living Cells and Tissues
Invited Speakers:
Nancy Allbritton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Abstract title:Microdevices for single cell manipulation and analysis
Ido Amit, Weizmann Institute, ISRAEL
Abstract title:Shaping the blood: Lessons from Chromatin and single cell RNA dynamics
Timour Baslan, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Abstract title:Single cell portraits of breast cancer heterogeneity
Paul Blainey, Massachsetts Institute of Technology, USA
Abstract title:Toward single-cell population genomics
Long Cai, Caltech, USA
Abstract title:Single cell transcriptional profiling by sequential FISH
Daniel Chiu, University of Washington, USA
Abstract title:Highly fluorescent semiconducting polymer dots for single-cell imaging and analysis
Marc Dalod, Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML), FRANCE
Abstract title:TBA
James Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, USA
Abstract title:Single Cell Transcriptomic’s Analysis of Live Cells in their Natural Microenvironment and Functional Genomics Considerations
Scott Fraser, University of Southern California, USA
Abstract title:Sensing and imaging the molecular signatures of embodied cells.
James Hicks, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Abstract title:Single cell genomics in ‘fluid biopsies’ and cancer model systems
Bo Huang, University of California, San Francisco, USA
Abstract title:Imaging the genome in living cells
Yanyi Huang, Peking University, China
Abstract title:Microfluidic Approaches for Better Sequencing Single Cells
Carolyn Larabell, University of California, San Francisco, USA
Abstract title:Single Cell CT Scans
Sten Linnarsson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Abstract title:A molecular parts list for mouse cerebral cortex
Michael McConnell, University of Virginia, USA
Abstract title:Mosaic CNVs in Human Neurons
Corey Neu, Purdue University, USA
Abstract title:Magnetic Manipulation and Multimodal Imaging for Single Cell Direct Mechanosensing
Rickard Sandberg, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Abstract title:Single-cell RNA-seq analyses of allelic expression dynamics in early embryonic and somatic cells
Abstract title:Calcium Signaling Domains of Sperm Flagella Orchestrate Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Motility
Hirofumi Shintaku, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title:Microfluidic system for correlation analyses of RNA and DNA in single cells
Peter Sims, Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Abstract title:A Scalable Platform for Single Cell RNA-Seq
Fuchou Tang, Peking UniversityChina
Abstract title:Dissecting gene regulation network in human early embryos at single-cell and single-base resolution
Bosiljka Tasic, Allen Institute for Brain ScienceUSA
Abstract title:Cellular taxonomy of the mouse cortical area V1 by single cell RNA-seq
Abstract title:Cellular heterogeneity and drug resistance
Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Harvard UniversityUSA
Abstract title:Single cell genomics: Life at the single molecule level
Abstract title:Single Cell Appliations on Cancer and Prenatal Diagnosis
Kun Zhang, University of California, San DiegoUSA
Abstract title:Genome Sequencing of Single Cells with Nanoliter Reactiors
We encourage abstracts to contain new and unpublished materials. The abstracts must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers. Status (fellow's talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.
We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. A certain number of presentations by graduate students and postdocs in this conference will be selected as fellowship (USD $200-$500) awards. For more details, please visit Stipends
We look forward to seeing you at Suzhou in December 2014.
Package Content:
Package Type | Early Registration | Late Registration |
Payment Deadline: Novermber 10, 2014 | Payment Deadline: Before Arrival |
Academic | ¥5,100 | $850 | ¥5,900 | $990 |
Student | ¥2,700 | $450 | ¥3,300 | $550 |
Corporate | ¥6,340 | $1,060 | ¥7,420 | $1,240 |
Media | ¥3,300 | $550 | ¥3,700 | $620 |
Please kindly note:
1. Registration includes food, but does NOT include Housing. Due to requests from participants to provide more housing at lower prices, we have expanded our housing options to include some lower priced nearby hotels. After completing the online registration, you will receive a link to the full list of housing options.
*Reference Room Rate:
CNY 500 per standard room per night in the Conference Hotel (Worldhotel Grand Dushulake Suzhou)
Up from CNY 200 per standard room per night in nearby budget hotels (within 5 km)
CNY 400-700 per standard room per night in nearby 4-5 star hotels
2. The early price will be available if the full payment is finished before the exact due date.
For USD participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if we could not successfully charge the payment from your registered credit card before the deadline.
For CNY participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if our bank account could not receive your full payment by wire transfer before the deadline.
3. For late registrations, your registration materials may not be guaranteed since the order is usually made in advance.
4. Please inform us your special request on food (vegetarian, kosher…etc.) or other things during the online registration or email us as early as possible so that we could make relevant arrangement accordingly.
5. Student package is exclusively designed for all the graduate, undergraduate and doctor students who have not received the doctor degree. (Student ID will be required upon arrival).
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