Cilia & Centrosomes
Suzhou, China
April 24-28, 2017
Schedule Overview
Conference Agenda
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Abstract deadline: March 10, 2017
Organized by:
Monica Bettencourt-Dias, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Gert Jansen, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
Guangshuo Ou, Tsinghua University, China
Meng-Fu Bryan Tsou, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
We are pleased to announce the 1st Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cilia & Centrosomes which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday April 24, and will conclude after lunch on April 28, 2017.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in cilia & centrosomes. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.
Major Topics:
- Centriole and centrosome biogenesis
a. Centriole or basal body assembly
b. Centriole to centrosome conversion
c. Dual function of centrioles as BB & centrosomes
- Role of centrioles and centrosomes in regulating or initiating ciliogenesis
a. Membrane docking
b. Specifying the ciliary base/gate (e.g. the TZ)
c. Control of cilia assembly and disassembly
- Cilia growth and maintenance
a. IFT
b. Trafficking
c. Cilia maintenance & length control
d. Cilia retraction
- Cilia function
a. Various signaling pathways in different tissues
b. Function in brain or stem cells
c. Cell cycle control
d. Motility
- Diseases
a. Ciliopathy, Microcephaly, Cancer: genes & mechanisms
Keynote Speakers:
Maureen Barr, Rutgers University, USA
Tim Stearns, Stanford University, USA
Invited Speakers:
Monica Bettencourt-Dias, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, PORTUGAL
Abstract title: Differential Regulation of Core Ciliary Base Components Underlies Cilia Diversity
Susan Dutcher, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Abstract title: Assembling the ciliary necklace in Chlamydomonas
David Glover, University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
Abstract title: New partnerships of core centriole duplication protein
Susana Godinho, Barts Cancer Institute, UNITED KINGDOM
Abstract title: Non-cell autonomous invasion mediated by centrosome amplification
Abstract title: Towards cell-free reconstitution of cartwheel assembly
Hiroshi Hamada, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, JAPAN
Abstract title: Role of motile and immotile cilia in left-right symmetry breaking
Takanari Inoue, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Abstract title: Ciliary PI(4,5)P2 dictates fall of primary cilia and rise of cell cycle
Gert Jansen, Erasmus MC, THE NETHERLANDS
Abstract title: Regulation of cilium length by modulation of the IFT machinery and Golgi and endocytosis mediated protein or lipid homeostasis
Michel Leroux, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Abstract title: Compartmentalisation of a dynamic signalling organelle
Jung-Chi Liao, Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN
Abstract title: Superresolved molecular architecture at the base of primary cilia
Cecilia Lo, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
Abstract title: A central role for cilia in the complex genetics of congenital heart disease
Seok Jun Moon, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, SOUTH KOREA
Abstract title: Ciliary protein trafficking in Drosophila
Guangshuo Ou, Tsinghua University, China
Abstract title: Dynein-Driven Neuronal Transport in the Formation of C. elegans Sensory Cilia
Junmin Pan, Tsinghua University, CHINA
Abstract title: Functional Exploration of the IFT-A Complex in Intraflagellar Transport and Ciliogenesis
Gislene Pereira, German Cancer Research Center, GERMANY
Jordan Raff, University of Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM
Abstract title: Drosophila Plk4 organises a Centriole Origin of Replication (CORE) whose activity sets daughter centriole length
Antonina Roll-Mecak, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, USA
Abstract title: How cellular effectors read the tubulin code
Sudipto Roy, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STAR, SINGAPORE
Abstract title: Three Greek Gods and Cilia
Sophie Saunier, INSERM, UMR_S1163, Université Paris Descartes, FRANCE
Abstract title: The complex genetics and pathogenesis of renal ciliopathies
Song-Hai Shi, Momeorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Abstract title: Centrosomal anchorage regulates mechanical features of progenitors and cortical size
Meng-Fu Bryan Tsou, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Abstract title: The centrosome-cilium complex
Kristen Verhey, University of Michigan, USA
Abstract title: Spatial organization and dynamics of ciliary gating zone components
We encourage abstracts to contain new and unpublished materials. The abstracts must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers. Status (fellow's talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.
We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. A certain number of presentations by graduate students and postdocs in this conference will be selected as fellowship (USD $100-$500) awards. For more details, please visit Stipends
We look forward to seeing you at Suzhou in April, 2017.
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Package Content:
Package Type | Early Registration | Late Registration |
Payment Deadline: March 27, 2017 | Payment Deadline: Before Arrival |
Academic | ¥5,100 | $850 | ¥5,900 | $990 |
Student | ¥2,700 | $450 | ¥3,300 | $550 |
Corporate | ¥6,340 | $1,060 | ¥7,420 | $1,240 |
Media | ¥3,300 | $550 | ¥3,700 | $620 |
Please kindly note:
1. Registration includes food, but does NOT include Housing. Due to requests from participants to provide more housing at lower prices, we have expanded our housing options to include some lower priced nearby hotels. After completing the online registration, you will receive a link to the full list of housing options.
*Reference Room Rate:
CNY 500 per standard room per night in the Conference Hotel (Worldhotel Grand Dushulake Suzhou)
Up from CNY 200 per standard room per night in nearby budget hotels (within 5 km)
CNY 400-700 per standard room per night in nearby 4-5 star hotels
2. The meeting registration is an integral package. We encourage all our participants to stay for the full meeting period and communicate with each other. No refund/discount or day pass is available for partial participation.
3. The early price will be available if the full payment is finished before the exact due date.
For USD participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if we could not successfully charge the payment from your registered credit card before the deadline.
For CNY participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if our bank account could not receive your full payment by wire transfer before the deadline.
4. For late registrations, your registration materials may not be guaranteed since the order is usually made in advance.
5. Please inform us your special request on food (vegetarian, kosher…etc.) or other things during the online registration or email us as early as possible so that we could make relevant arrangement accordingly.
6. Student package is exclusively designed for all the graduate, undergraduate and doctor students who have not received the doctor degree. (Student ID will be required upon arrival).
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