Cell Signaling in Metabolism, Inflammation and Cancer
Suzhou Dushu Lake Conference Center
September 2-6, 2013
Abstract Deadline extended to July 12th , 2013
Schedule Overview
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Organized by:
Michael Karin, University of California, San Diego, USA
Anning Lin, Shanghai Insititute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS, China
Zheng-Gang Liu, NIH / NCI, USA
David Wallach, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
We are pleased to announce the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cell Signaling in Metabolism, Inflammation and Cancer, which will be held at the Suzhou Dushu Lake Conference Center in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday September 2, and will conclude after lunch on Friday September 6, 2013.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.
Major Topics:
>Nutrient sensing, stress and autophagy
>Signaling structure basis and modeling
>Immune sensing and signaling
>Cancer stemness and drug resistance
>Inflammation and carcinogenesis
>Novel signaling pathways
>Cell death signaling and carcinogenesis
>Therapeutic implications of kinome reprogramming
>Tumor environment
>Humanized mouse models
Keynote Speakers:
Michael Karin, University of California, USA
Abstract title:Inflammation and Cancer: Clinical Relevance, Mechanisms and therapeutic Opportunities
Invited Speakers:
Yinon Ben-Neriah, Hebrew University, Israel
Abstract title:Inflammation from an epithelial perspective
Zhijian "James" Chen, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Abstract title:Innate Immune Sensing and Signaling of Cytosolic Nucleic Acids
David Cheresh, University of California, USA
Abstract title:Cancer Stemness and Drug Resistance
Melanie Cobb, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Abstract title:Signaling to mTORC1 through G-protein coupled receptors
Roger Davis, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, USA
Abstract title:Metabolic Stress Signaling by JNK
Gen-Sheng Feng, University of California, USA
Abstract title:The pro- and anti-oncogenic molecules in liver cancer
Sankar Ghosh, Columbia University, USA
Abstract title:Coordinate regulation of inflammation and proliferation in cancer through NF-kB and Ral pathways
Douglas Green, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Abstract title:Non-canonical Autophagy in Inflammation and Aging
Kun-Liang Guan, University of California, USA
Abstract title:Cellular nutrient sensing and autophagy regulation
Alexander Hoffmann, University of California, USA
Abstract title:Combinatorial and dynamical signaling codes to specify immune responses
Lijian Hui, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, China
Abstract title:Systematic analyses identify key microRNAs for enhancing resonse to anticancer drugs
Gary Johnson, University of Carolina, USA
Abstract title:Understanding the Therapeutic Implications of Kinome Reprogramming in Cancer
Ming Li, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Abstract title: Immune Control of Spontaneous Tumor Development
Anning Lin, Shanghai Insititute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS, China
Abstract title:Regulation of inflammation by novel IKK signaling pathway
Xin Lin, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA
Abstract title:NF-kB Signaling pathway induced by EGFR family members and its contribution to cancer cell malignancy
Zhenggang Liu, NIH/NCI, USA
Abstract title:Autophagy and cancer
Glenn Merlino, NCI, Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, USA
Abstract title:Modeling the initiation and progression of human melanoma in the mouse
Jorge Moscat, Sanford-Burnham Institute, La Jolla, California
Abstract title:Nutrient sensing and stress in cancer by the p62 network
Manolis Pasparakis, University of Cologne, Germany
Abstract title:Death receptor signaling in inflammation and carcinogenesis
Marsha Rosner, University of Chicago, USA
Abstract title:Tumor-Stromal Signaling pathways that Regulate Metastasis
Yufang Shi, Institute of Health Sciences, USA
Abstract title:Mesenchymal stem cells and tumor development
Shao-Cong Sun, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA
Abstract title:Regulation of immune homeostasis and inflammation by ubiquitination
Erwin Wagner, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas (CNIO), Spain
Abstract title:Inflammation, metabolism and cancer: The AP-1 (Fos/Jun) liaison
David Wallach, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Abstract title:Regulation of inflammation and cell-death trough interactions of RHIM-domain protein kinases with caspase-8
Gang Wang, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, SIBS, CAS, China
Abstract title:TBA
Xiaodong Wang, National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS) , China
Abstract title:TBA
Hongyang Wang, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Institute/Hospital, China
Abstract title:Negative regulation of signaling regulatory protein a1 in liver cancer
Hao Wu, Harvard Medical School, USA
Abstract title:Structural and functional elucidation of NF-kB signaling
Dan Wu, Yale University, USA
Abstract title:Signaling in neutrophil-mediated innate immunity
We encourage abstracts to contain new and unpublished materials. The abstracts must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers. Status (fellow's talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.
We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. A certain number of presentations by graduate students and postdocs in this conference will be selected as fellowship (USD $200-$500) awards. For more details, please visit Stipends
We look forward to seeing you at Suzhou in September 2013.
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Package Content:
Package Type | Early Registration | Normal Registration | Late Registration |
Payment Deadline: | Payment Deadline: | Payment Deadline: |
June 21,2013 | August 5, 2013 | Before Arrival |
*CSHA Endowed Student | ¥1,530 | $250 | ¥1,700 | $275 | ¥1,870 | $300 |
Includes meeting pass only (special offer) |
Student No Housing | ¥3,750 | $605 | ¥4,000 | $645 | ¥4,250 | $685 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities |
Student (All inclusive) | ¥4,750 | $765 | ¥5,000 | $805 | ¥5,250 | $845 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities, Share Room for 4 nights. |
Academic No Housing | ¥5,100 | $825 | ¥5,500 | $890 | ¥5,900 | $955 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities |
Academic (All inclusive) | ¥7,100 | $1,145 | ¥7,500 | $1,210 | ¥7,900 | $1,275 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities, Single Room for 4 nights. |
Media No Housing | ¥3,300 | $535 | ¥3,500 | $570 | ¥3,700 | $605 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities |
Media (All inclusive) | ¥5,300 | $855 | ¥5,500 | $890 | ¥5,700 | $925 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities, Single Room for 4 nights. |
Corporate No Housing | ¥6,340 | $1,025 | ¥6,880 | $1,115 | ¥7,420 | $1,205 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities |
Corporate (All inclusive) | ¥8,340 | $1,345 | ¥8,880 | $1,435 | ¥9,420 | $1,525 |
Includes Registration, Lunch & Supper, Social Activities, Single Room for 4 nights. |
Remark: Lunch, Supper, Tea Break & Social Activities (¥1,500 or $250); Room Rate(Single) :(¥2,000 or $320) & (Shared): (¥1,000 or $160), Breakfast is included in the Room Rate. The Package Price is based on the RMB price, price in USD is according to the exchange rate fluctuations. |
Please kindly note:
1. The early & normal price will be available if the full payment is finished before the exact due date.
For USD participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if we could not successfully charge the full payment from your registered credit card before the deadline.
For CNY participants, we will automatically change your package price to the update one if our bank account could not receive your full payment by wire transfer before the deadline.
2. For Student Package registered participants, please add your roommate requirement during the online registration. Otherwise, we’ll assign you a roommate among other student participants.
3. For late registrations, your housing & registration materials may not be guaranteed since the order is usually made in advance.
4. Please inform us your request on extra day (USD 80/CNY 500 per day) and food (vegetarian, kosher…etc.) during the online registration or email us as early as possible so that we could make relevant arrangement accordingly.
5.We offer CSHA endowed student package for graduate students (student ID is required). This special offer only includes the meeting session pass. Housing, food and social activities are not included in the package.
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