We are pleased to announce the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Advances in Optical Interrogation of Living Cells and Organisms: Focus on the Brain which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday October 16, and will conclude after lunch on Friday October 20, 2023.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in Optical Interrogation of Living Cells and Organisms on Brain. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.
Major Topics:
1. Mapping of brain circuits
2. Functional imaging of neuronal populations
3. Functional imaging of neurons and synapses
4. Ultrastructural imaging
5. Imaging data and AI-based analysis
6. New microscopes
7. Optical interrogation of molecular signaling
Keynote Speakers:
Heping Cheng, Peking University
Arthur Konnerth, Technical University of Munich
Invited Speakers:
Guoqiang Bi, University of Science and Technology of China
Qionghai Dai, Tsinghua University
Saskia de Vries, Allen Institute
Wenbiao Gan, Institute of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
Zengcai Guo, Tsinghua University
Michael Häusser, University College London
Ji Hu, ShanghaiTech University
Mark Hübener, Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Seong-Gi Kim, IBS Center for Neuroscience
David Kleinfeld, University of California, San Diego
Ania Majewska, University of Rochester
Masanori Matsuzaki, The University of Tokyo
Takeharu Nagai, Osaka University
Tomomi Nemoto, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Kenichi Ohki, The University of Tokyo
Clay Reid, Allen Institute
Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, University of Bordeaux
Ryohei Yasuda, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
Yi Zuo, University of California Santa Cruz
We encourage abstracts to contain new and unpublished materials. The abstracts must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers. Status (fellow's talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.
We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. A certain number of presentations by graduate students and postdocs in this conference will be selected as fellowship (USD $100-$500) awards. For more details, please visit Stipends
We look forward to seeing you at Suzhou in October, 2023.
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